In order to access our special service, we ask you register for Manjushri membership.

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Tell Us About Yourself
First Name:
Last Name:
ZIP/Postal Code:
(U.S. 5 digits only)
Other Country:
(if not listed above)
Are you: Male Female

Provide your e-mail address. Examples:
E-mail Address:

Choose a User Name
and Password
Your User Name and Password shouldn't include punctuation, symbol characters or spaces. You'll need this each time you add a new cyber link to the Manjushri Pages.
Important: We'll keep your User Name and Password in our database EXACTLY as you type them, so make a note if you enter in upper and lower case.
Choose a User Name that's no more than 15 characters.
User Name:

Choose a Password that's 5-15 characters in length.
Re-enter Password:

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